Episode list from my memory.
I’m going to jog my memory to the best I could, but I might have forgotten some details. Please bear with me! Here are as many prominent episodes I can confidently recall.
- The Episode where they Got The Job - If I recall correctly, Stelle and Lune are hired by Doc Matter pretty early on in the series. Doc Matter’s first task for them is: filming a commercial together where they pretend they actually get along. Spoilers: they don’t. I give this episode a 4/5.
- The UNO Card Episode - Stelle and Lune LOSE IT and start roasting each other about their flaws. However, apparently Stelle has a mythical UNO Card that makes Lune have to improve his flaws. RUH ROH! My score: 5/5. As a kid, I was SO SATISFIED when Stelle talked back to Lune and gave him a taste of his own medicine. I hope we find more content of his ass getting beat more.
- The Daddy Issues Episode - This one was not really my favorite. Basically, Stelle, Lune, and Doc all project onto each other over familial problems. It gets awkward. Lune starts sobbing in the office. Reminds me too much of my family. 2/5.
- The Alien Episode - This is like, the only episode that has aliens in the entire series, oddly enough. Stelle wants to return a tiny lost alien character who got displaced from its planet (the planet is another side character), but Stelle has to race against the alien’s extremely short lifespan. This was a cute episode, but it’s really weird that they introduced aliens, and never touched on that concept again. At least from what I remember. 4.6/5.
- The Mascot Episode - Stelle overworks herself to please the rest of the company. It gets weird. The people around the city make assumptions about starkind based on how Stelle is marketed. She gets nightmares about how people only know about this fake and inauthentic version of herself and her species. 3/5 episode because Stelle is in pain again. Also, I remember being MAD PISSED at Doc Matter in this episode.
- The Road Trip Episode - Stelle and Lune go on a heartfelt road trip together, after Lune got depressed over some sort of rejection letter. 5/5 because the episode ended at a neighborhood dance party for whatever reason. I love shit like that. Cosmicals invented the “dance party ending” trope, I’m telling you.
- The Hallways Episode - Me and my sister actually had a whole disagreement about how this episode ended. I told her, “Doc was such a fun and wacky character, that I can’t believe it was one of his episodes that genuinely scared the shit outta me as a kid.” Lacey told me, “What do you mean? None of his episodes were scary from what I recall.” I said, “Ok Ok… Do you remember that episode where he got lost in the building by going to the abandoned floor that no one used or something?? And he went crazy, and screamed really loudly, and ripped his own face or something.” Then she said, “Yeah I remember that ep but none of that shit happened. Like he got lost at first but he made it out and then spent the day playing games with his kid or something.” But like? I don’t remember that part at all????? What??? Maybe we were thinking of different episodes. Either way, it’s a 2/5 because ... idk. It was kind of interesting? Doc had these very… striking, piercing, and blood curdling screams in this episode that really startled me as a kid. It was an uncomfortable watch. We’re really hoping to find this particular episode to see who remembered it right.
- The Mixer Episode - This was a half hour special episode. The channel that used to broadcast Cosmicals had this huge countdown celebration for the premiere of this special. I think it was like, the first major appearance of the rival company CEO. Basically, Cosmicorp and their rival corp, Interstellar Inc, have a mixer party so that the CEO of Interstellar could get more details about Cosmicorp. 5/5! I don’t remember all the details, but it had a really catchy musical segment so it gets a full score just from that.
Looking back on it… for a workplace drama, it was the weirdest fucking show ever. I’m gonna start spitballing a bunch of things that happen in the show from the dark crevices of my brain. There was a whole subplot about UNO cards granting magical powers to people. How did they get the license to that? There’s a scene where Lune deepthroated his saxophone (I didn’t know that’s what he was doing when I first watched it). Divorce became a huge trend in their universe and Cosmicorp made “divorce” greetings cards to capitalize on it. Mr. Quarius had a musical number with the IRS(?) to distract them from his tax evasion. Doc Matter got lost in the Cosmicorp building and ripped his face out in anguish. Janky Jett stabbed Stelle and then the knife… melted in Stelle (because she’s a star), causing Stelle to giggle maniacally. There was a movie about the M&Ms in universe. Lune had a spaceship automobile that he called a Honda Civic even though it looked nothing like a real Honda Civic. Doc tells Stelle and Lune not to press this random button, then Jett comes outta nowhere and presses it, and the whole office is catapulted in what I can only describe as a minute long segment of a LSD drug trip. THE LIST GOES ON AND ON.